Sunday 13 September 2009

Finding my Inner subbie - Part III (Receiving His First Collar)

i walked through airport security looking around nervously. Despite my best efforts to control it, my hands were trembling. “i must be crazy,” i thought to myself as i slipped off my shoes and placed them onto the conveyor belt. Thoughts were flying through my head so fast that i didn’t have time to process them, let alone dwell on them.

It was 4:36 a.m. according to my cell phone. i had almost an hour and a half before my flight took off. Breakfast was definitely an order.

As i sat there, eating my bacon and egg sandwich, i wondered what they were like in person. i had chatted with Him every night lately, and i had spoken to them both on the phone on an almost daily basis now. She seemed sweet, with a soft voice that matched the milky skin in her pictures perfectly. His voice was unusual, deep and firm but with a tone to it that sucked me in. There was something so intriguing about Him, something so magnetic. From our first conversation He had been in complete control, without my full permission. i couldn’t figure out why. That was why i was flying there, over 600 miles away, to find out why. Why did a man, whom i had never met, have such an incredible power over me? i wanted to please Him, to do exactly what He said, to the letter, and make Him proud of me. i wanted to hear Him tell me that i was a good girl, and i hated upsetting Him. The night before, when i had to phone Him to tell Him that i missed my flight, my hands had been shaking uncontrollably as i dialed. i knew He would be disappointed in me and it devastated me. i dreaded hearing the unhappiness in His voice, and i absolutely feared His reaction to my plight. But He was gentle, concerned, and helpful. He was definitely disappointed, but He believed me, which was all that really mattered to me. i did not want them to think i was lying, that i was just another girl who made empty promises and let them down. i wanted to be there, i had spent weeks mentally preparing and 2 days physically preparing. i was ready. But unfortunately, i had to delay my trip by 7 hours.

But here i was, finally, throwing away the styrofoam remnants of my breakfast and getting ready to board a plane to Denver. On the other end of that plane ride was an entirely new world waiting for me. A world that consisted of a lifestyle that i had yet to explore. He was her Master, and she was His slave. And they wanted me to be a part of their lives. Permanently.

An index finger lightly jabbed at my shoulder. “We’re here,” the stranger next to me said. i rubbed my eyes and looked around. i was on a plane. i was on the ground. i was in Denver.

i immediately grabbed my cell phone from my messenger bag and turned on the power. i scrolled down to His name and opted to text. i did not want to call. i was too nervous.

“i just landed,” i sent.

Within seconds He replied, “You are early.”

“Yes, 10 minutes,” i sent back.

By now the plane had parked and everyone was gathering their belongings. i stood up and glanced around, smoothing out my brown cotton dress in the process. If these people only knew, i thought to myself. If they only knew why i was here, the real reason that i was here, they would recoil in horror. Even the pretty long, brown cotton dress i was wearing had a naughty purpose. He had specifically requested that i wear a skirt and bring a vibrator in my bag for the car ride home. “Yes Sir,” was always my answer. It never even occurred to me to say no.

i smiled to myself as i stood there staring down at my freshly painted toes. i gave myself a little wiggle with them and inwardly chuckled. i was nervous. i was giddy. i had butterflies. It was euphoric.

We filed out of the plane and headed like cattle towards the tram. i popped into the first bathroom that i passed. After using the restroom, i stood in front of the full length mirror mounted to the tile wall and stared at my reflection. i was a mere shadow of the glorious vision i had been the night before. my hair was no longer sleek and smooth but unkempt from sleeping on it. The large brown flower in my hair was cock-eyed. my eyes were red and puffy and my dress was wrinkled. i shook my head at my disheveled reflection but shrugged to myself. There was nothing i could do about it now. i took out my flower, shook my hair upside down, re-attached the flower and again smoothed my dress. It wasn’t much better, but the effort made me feel like i had tried.

On the tram, i bypassed the steel poles that were there to hold onto and i opted to sit in the handicapped spot. The lack of sleep from the night before was taking its toll on me. i needed sleep, more sleep, but my blood was pumping hard and fast and my brain was shooting in a thousand directions. What if i displeased Him? What if she was threatened by me? What if i wasn’t what they expected? What if they loved me, but i did not love them back? What if everything was perfect for all 3 of us, and i had to come back to Las Vegas alone, leaving all 3 of us feeling lonely and incomplete?

i made my way to baggage claim and saw my bag. my phone rang. It was Him. my heart jumped up into my throat as i watched His name flash across the screen. i paused before answering it, trying to give myself a split second to gather my senses. i answered the phone and while we went over the necessary information about where to go and wait for Him, i struggled with my broken bag. We laughed about the fact that i had finally made it despite the previous night’s fiasco, and as i exited the airport and made my way to the first empty bench along the curb, i began to calm a little bit. i was here. He was pulling up any minute. There was no turning back. The weekend was officially in motion.

He stated that He was pulling in and i told Him that i had a flower in my hair. He saw me and pulled up to the curb. i struggled with my broken bag and met Him at the trunk of the car. He was smiling, a big excited smile. It put me at ease. As He reached down for my bag He kissed me a couple of times on the lips. It was slightly awkward but i liked it. He immediately made me feel at home.

i sat down in the passenger’s seat of His car and He in the driver’s. He grabbed something out of the middle console. It was black and large. i looked over and He was unlocking a good-sized silver lock from a large 2-3 inch black leather collar. my heart skipped a beat. i knew that He was going to collar me at the airport. This was our agreement. i had done some research on collars and knew what it meant. i was going to be His property for the next 3 days. i was to call Him Sir and follow His instructions without hesitation or argument. It was thrilling, exciting and scary. But i had every intention of fulfilling my role to the letter. It was just something i had to do.

He opened the collar and moved it towards me and i leaned into it, turning my head so that He could see to clasp it. He re-attached the lock and flashed a huge smile. He put the car in drive and as we pulled off, i gingerly touched the large black piece of leather strapped tightly around my neck. There was a ring attached to the front of it, intended for a leash, and the silver lock on the opposite side holding it in place. There was no taking it off, although i wouldn’t have even if i could.

As we drove away from the airport i took in the scenery while we made small talk. After a few minutes He asked me if i had questions for Him. i said no, but He reminded me that i had asked Him previously about their rules. Every swinger couple has rules. He stated that they had 2 rules. Their first rule was no sex with a new person they are trying to build a relationship with alone. First time had to be together. This meant that Him and i would not be having sex until she was with us. This was helpful information for me, because it is nice to know what the expectations are. Their second rules was always using condoms. He asked me what my rules were and i stated the same condom rule and that was it. i really don’t have rules, at least not any that apply to their situation.

After a little more small talk, He said that it was time to break the ice, and asked me where my vibrator was. i stated that it was in the suitcase in the trunk, and He sighed, disappointed. “Well, that’s why we have fingers,” He stated matter of factly, and pulled up my dress.

i put my legs onto the dash and made a comment about the scenery. He made a comment about me stalling. i smiled, laid back and ran my hand along my thigh and gingerly touched myself. He rubbed my thigh which simultaneously held up my skirt and ordered me to look at Him. i did and smiled. i continued to touch myself and we talked about the landmarks we were passing. i grabbed His fingers and intertwined them with mine and slid them in between my moist pussy lips and gently moved them back and forth.

As we pulled into His driveway i sat up and let my dress fall back down. We walked into the house and He led me into the back yard. They had two beautiful dogs that ran around outside. He led me to the fence at the back of His yard and lifted me up to see the mountain. As we walked back toward the house, He gently grabbed my hand in His. my heart leapt.

Inside the house, we got a glass of water out of the kitchen and then headed to the couch. i sat down and He stood in front of me holding His hands out. i grabbed His hands and He stood me up and lifted my dress over my head and tossed it aside, exposing my completely naked body, except for His collar around my neck. my heart was pounding, but i knew that He was not going to fuck me yet, because of the rules He had stated in the car. He admired my body and turned me around to get the full view. He sighed and smiled and pulled me close to hug me tight. He grabbed my ass and we both chuckled and sank into the couch. i snuggled into His shoulder and immediately relaxed. i was tired. my breathing quickly became heavy. He recognized my exhaustion and stood again after a few minutes, holding His hands out just like before. i stood up and He led me down the hallway and informed me that they had one more rule. They never have sex with other people in their bed. He led me into their room and pulled back the covers and i laid down on the bed and He stared at me for a moment, ran His hands down my body and then grabbed the sheet and pulled it over me. i snuggled up with a full length brown velour body pillow. He pulled the comforter over the sheet on top of me and kissed me on the cheek and left the room. i could not remember the last time i felt so comfortable, content and peaceful. i was asleep in seconds.

i woke up sometime later and it took me a second to remember where i was. i smiled and rolled over and snuggled back down into my amazing nap. i gingerly fingered His collar again and wondered where He was and if she was home yet. Not hearing any noises, i closed my eyes and fell back asleep.

my eyes flew open. The covers were sliding off of me. i was naked. i was not in my bed. i rubbed my eyes and looked up. He was standing by the bed, hands held out again and i grabbed them, standing up. He pulled me in for yet another hug and kissed me. It was not awkward this time. He turned me with my back towards Him and laid down on the bed with my naked body above Him, my back still pressed against His chest. He slid His knees in between my legs and snapped them apart. my heart was racing. He grabbed my neck firmly with one hand and ran His other hand down my abdomen and over my alert pussy. As i started to writhe around and instinctively began to close my legs His grip on my neck tightened and His legs snapped mine back apart again. His fingers began rubbing my clit firmly and i began to relax and become aroused. i whimpered and moaned and squirmed underneath His firm grip. He kissed my neck and told me that He wanted me to cum. i was getting close, and felt my body start to tighten. His rubbing became faster and more aggressive and His grip around my neck became tighter. He was firmly whispering in my ear to give it to Him; over and over He said this. i felt myself stat to climax and let out a growling moan and felt my body tense completely. my orgasm started in the pit of my stomach and shot down to my pussy in one powerful, fluid sequence. i was gripping His arm with one hand, the arm that held His hand around my neck, and the bedspread with my other. i shook and moaned and my body flooded with euphoria. He asked me if that was me cumming and i whispered, “Yesss.”

Satisfied, He released me and i stood up. my knees were weak and my body was quivering. He smiled at me and asked me if i wanted a tour. i nodded and He took my hand. He showed me the closet, His bathroom, their sex toy drawer in the dresser, her bathroom, and the baby’s room. As i exited the baby’s room, He instructed me to close the door. i did, and He showed me the soon-to-be office.

He then led me downstairs and showed me the basement. He called it the playroom, it had games and a TV and a large black leather couch. He led me into the hallway and showed me her office, the storage room, then a bedroom. i stood there as He explained that this would be my room, and that this was also where the “magic” happens. i was nervous, trying to imagine what would happen to me on that bed later. All at once, He grabbed me, picked me up and threw me onto the bed. i laughed, but not for long. He slid my head off of the side of the bed, face up. He unzipped His shorts and pulled out His cock and pushed it towards my mouth. i opened my mouth and He slid it in, slowly but firmly, pushing it against the back of my throat. He moaned and thrust it into my mouth a couple of times and then pulled it out, zipping himself back up. He stepped away from the bed and i sat up and then slid off the bed. He exited the door and waited. i did as He did, closing the door behind me per His prior instruction, and He gently grabbed my hand and led me down the hallway where He opened the door to the bathroom and explained that this would be my bathroom. He closed the door behind us and suddenly grabbed both of my wrists with His hand and shoved my arms up above my head, pressing me into the wall. He pressed against me, kissing me firmly and eagerly. i could feel His hard cock pressing into my naked body. After a couple of eager kisses He released me and moaned, staring at me with a mixture of desire and satisfaction. i knew that He wanted me, and i knew that He was thrilled to have me at His house finally. i asked if i could shower and He said that i could. i was suddenly aware of His collar around my neck and touched it, asking if it could get wet. He chuckled and said that it could and He went back into the bathroom to get me a towel and a washcloth. He laid them out for me, gave me a firm kiss on the lips and instructed me not to get dressed until He told me to. He then turned and headed towards the stairs. i went into the bathroom and proceeded to shower.

As i showered i thought about how much i wanted Him, how exhilarating it was, the whole situation, and imagined what it would feel like when He entered me for the first time. i wondered what His wife would do, where she would touch me, and how rough they would be with me the first time we played. i knew that she was usually on the receiving end of their rough play, but i also knew that they were going to switch it up with me at times. It was all so new for me, and i found the entire experience and anticipation thrilling and exotic. i couldn’t wait to see what happened next.


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