Wednesday 28 October 2009

Humbled Slave

Madam made it very clear to me today that I need to be very mindful about what I write in this blog.  There was an entry up for about 30 minutes this afternoon… I’ll just say that I got into a LOT of trouble for that entry.  My heart was in the right place when I wrote it.  My heart, however, belongs to Madam, and I want desperately to be Madam’s good girl.
It was very hard for me today when Madam was angry with me.  No punishment I can imagine could have been worse than Madam’s disapproval; it hurt me very much.  I’m extremely grateful that Madam had calmed down by the time I came home from work.  We had a very useful conversation; Madam was firm but understanding.  Madam calmed and soothed me my distressed heart.

I love Madam P very much.  I never want to do anything to make her that angry at me again.  For so long as Madam will allow me to serve her, I want to serve perfectly to her liking.  I will gladly take any punishment that Madam deems necessary whenever she deems it necessary in order to never forget Madam’s instructions and guidance.  I welcome Madam’s mindfulness training…. I so want to be Madam’s perfect slave girl.

Thank you Madam for allowing me to perform my bedtime ritual of turning down your bed, heating up you bed warmer, undressing you, brushing you hair, and kissing and licking your feet before tucking you in.  I feel blessed to serve one so beautiful.  And thank you, Madam, for humbling me and putting me firmly in my place.  I feel at peace with my lips pressed to your feet; I know of no greater reward than to be allowed to serve you and pamper you.

Yes Madam, I’m for real.  If you ask it of me I’m prepared to renew our contract for an additional 8 weeks beyond our current contract even though it doesn’t expire for another 10 days.

I love you, Madam!


Monday 26 October 2009

Happy Bappy, Cappy!!

Oh, holy heck!

Approximately one hour ago, one of my dearest of dear people on this earth, the incomparable Cappy, who I consider a brother, a counselor, and a friend with the depth and nuances that only come from years and years of real conversation, turned the big 3-0.

In a perfect world, I would have insisted that he call in sick to work today, and he’d swoop over to my house to spend the birthday in style. We’d gorge ourselves on baked goods and guzzle bottles of beer while playing cards, maybe ogle some movies.

Then we’d bounce over to Outback (I associate that place with the Cappy and only the Cappy from way back … like, over a decade) to do some damage to fat steak and even taller glasses of booze. We’d laugh at the out-of-work-supermodel waiters and waitresses and repeat many times that they got no use for spoons there.

But, that’s not the case. It’s not a perfect world even at all. It happens that he is in Iraq right now. Second time, no less. If it was me, I’d be down. It’s not me and I’m down. I think that’s why I went all nuts with Makery Monday. I needed to do something because this day was important to him (10/27, not the 26th, to be clear; it’s already tomorrow where he is cause he’s from the future and stuff, being in Iraq), which makes it important to me. My friends are the family I choose for myself. I’ve chosen Captain Jerrid Kyle Allen to be a confidante and counselor for the last decade and a half, plus, and I continue to choose him every day. He’s the Man. You don’t even know! I can’t believe we are not together this day!

“Birthday” by DasPenre on deviantart.

So let’s all turn to the east and blow booze and kisses, okay? I miss you and I love you and I can’t wait to see you, brotha-from-anotha-motha and dearest old friendoh. Happy birthday, JKA.

“Basement Kitchen Cake” by vivavanstory on deviantart.

sub vs slave: The Peanut Butter Theory

There are a few topics that seem to never get ‘resolved’ and thus are destined to forever be brought up over and over ad infinitum in BDSM theory. This is almost definitely a good thing. Its also most decidedly puzzling and complex, especially when one is trying to define themselves in the words of these discussions which are ever evolving. One of the ones that I dont think willl ever cease to be discussed is that of what defines a submissive vs. what defines a slave?

I myself have puzzled over it time and time again. I WAS pretty comfy calling myself a submissive (in my bottomy headspace at least, as I am a switch). I had looked at all the ‘arguments’ and took stock in my own comfort levels in how the terms ‘fit’ me and came to the conclusion that sub was the best match for me. Many MANY people scoff at even that as I am fairly ‘not traditional subby material’,  outwardly at least. Behind closed doors is always a different matter. But this isnt about ‘them’, its about me and my search and journey through this vocabulary maze.

I attended a workshop on the matter at Unholy Harvest (which, btw, you should definitely check out next year!) this year where this topic was discussed. The topic came up AGAIN later that week in two different circles.In these conversations all my thinking was rather turned on its head. Prior to, I had placed myself firmly in the middle of the bottomy trifecta. Its not a competition, but so many view this whole thing rather like post graduate degrees:

  • To be a bottom is to have your BA/BS
  • To be a submissive is to have your Masters (oh the irony!)
  • To be a slave is to have your PhD

(The view often is that a slave is ‘better’ than a sub because she is more devoted in some way. Its unspoken but palpable that slavery is the goal, submission is either posing or just a sto along the way to that goal. In short, submission is oft seen as inferior in some way.)

After the conference and following conversations, it seems ’slave’ may actually be a better fit.

Is this the result of the deepening of my submission? That after 3 years with my Dominant that only now my head space has fully embraced surrender? Not a chance. Not a darn thing has changed between he & I. All thats changed is my perspective on the other perspectives out there.

I googled sub vs slave and found 3 articles that sum up the basic arguments between all the debate. Please read them in their entirety if you wish but here I am only going to quote the parts that speak to what I have stated above so as to illustrate where I found the  points of interest that changed my perspective.

Associated Content

Best Slave Training

Steel Door

(this is written as ‘here is what they said, how does that apply to how I self identify?’ this is not a judgement call on how anyone else views things nor is it an exhaustive list of arguments or the only way to define this stuff, just how I puzzle it out for myself)

  • As a sub: ‘However you have your opinions and your choices and you can still make them’;’ you have more of an option to stop’; ‘Say you do the dishes and pay the bills, these things usually are still under your control’; ‘A submissive obeys and serves by choosing to do so each time and retains her will.  A slave initially makes a choice to obey her Master at all times and then submits to the will of her Master at all times.‘ – Ah the ‘brainwash’ argument. The theory goes that the slave is SO enslaved they cannot think in terms of ‘will i do this?’ and only do things on autopilot. I disagree. All the self identifying slaves that I know and respect all still make conscious decisions every day, they just always end up deciding to do what Master says because that is the life they choose. When you do the dishes, even if you ‘wouldnt think of NOT doing them’ its still you making your hands do the work. ergo: concious choice. I dont think any slave has ever woken up from some fog and said ‘awesome! those dishes got done!’. You know what are doing and WHY you are doing it, that isnt brainwashing.. its choice. And subs and slaves both do that. Verdict for me? nuetral
  • ‘in a submissive role although you give up the control the power is really still 50/50 just in a different setting and under more intense circumstances‘ – First, I dont agree with this.. but for arguments sake:  I do feel a fair bit of control in my relationship but its because thats what makes his life easier and he ALWAYS has final say. That means I really have very little of the control, if any. Verdict for me? According to this, I’m a slave
  • ‘Sex is usually a large part of this relationship and mostly where the submission enters in’ – well sex is a large part of ALOT of relationships, BDSM or not  so that isnt really an accurate qualifier. But alot do feel sex is the only place a submissive is submissive. Well, that aint the case here. Its more overt in our sex but its always there, 24/7.Verdict for me? Slave
  • ‘Slaves usually are slaves 24/7. They may work but when they get home there is no distinction from normal day to a BDSM day, that person is always a slave from the day they ask for that.’ – Yup, that sounds like my life. Verdict for me? Slave
  • ‘A submissive accepts submission, while a slave accepts obedience’; ‘The submissive is a volunteer.The slave is not a volunteer.’ – Oh dear. If you submit to and carry out your Sir’s every order, you are obeying it. And we are talking BDSM slavery not actual ‘take you in the night and force you to work under pain of death’ type slavery here. We are all volunteers. Verdict for me? This one is a non issue completely. Nuetral
  • ‘A submissive often has a list of conditions, rules, and limits that a Dominant is required to agree to before entering a session or relationship.‘ ‘Their submission may be quite limited in range, for example, they may only want and desire to release their submission in a limited fashion, for short amounts of time and within tightly confined arena’s. This type of submissive will generally carry a long list of rules, boundaries, limits, requirements etc. which they require the Dominant to agree to prior to engaging their submissive aspect within the relationship.’ - Limits? you betcha. I do not want my arm getting hacked off with a chainsaw thank you very much. Conditions and rules? Not a chance. Verdict for me? Slave (because I firmly believe NOONE, slave or not, is cool with the chainsaw scenario. i dont care how hard core you think you are)
  • ‘the Master may have total control, then once the period is over, control returns to the submissive.  The Master only borrows control of the submissive and to the extent the submissive wishes and she controls her submission.’ This, to me, is a bottom. Verdict? Nuetral
  • ‘If the focus is on self then you are a submissive, if the focus is on your Master, then you are a slave.’ – I still think focus on self = bottom, focus on Master = sub or slave. But going by this then, verdict for me? Slave
  • ‘Being a slave means you are willing to be molded to fit her Master’s needs and to serve him’.; ‘Her attention is on his happiness. A Master is responsible for the needs and happiness of a slave.  She gives him authority over her needs and happiness.  However, a slave is responsible to communicate those needs and feelings.  The limits of the Master become the limits of the slave.’ - Yup, this would be me. Verdict for me? Slave
  • ‘Often a slave is given great responsibilities within the relationship. They are given a general framework of limits and direction and expected to act within them using their own resources and abilities.  A slave is often asked to express her thoughts on issues or problems, but realizes that the final decision is always her Master’s. The decision made by her Master becomes absolute for her.’ – Yup, this would be me. Verdict for me? Slave
  • ‘…the person that calls themselves submissive who prefers to seek out only casual contacts.’ – Nope, not me. When I do this I consider it bottoming, submission or slavery is not a part of it. Verdict for me? Slave

There is more, and I could go on and on. But this is really the way most of it seems to be going. Every single ‘hallmark of slavery’ (with the exception of no limits which I just personally do not believe exists for anyone) seems to be what I have been referring to as submission. So I should start calling myself a slave, yes?

Not really. The term slave, while now proven applicable, just doesn’t seem to fit me. Its like that dress you see and try on and, yeah it fits, but not as well as you’d like. And as someone told me whilst giving me shopping advice one day, ‘if you dont love it, dont buy it.’ I dont love the term slave for me. So I’ll keep my submissive moniker.

And really, all of this is for naught. These terms are fluid, personal, individual and ever changing. So in the end its what feels right for each person and all the rhetoric and dogma surrounding it just doesn’t matter. Be who you are and be happy in it. Let others be who they are and them be happy in that. Maybe your views don’t totally line up but.. now here is the REAL kicker for slavery: If what you do and how you identify pleases your Dominant/Sir/Master/Owner/Mistress/etc.. that other person’s views have no bearing on your dynamic, so go engage in and enjoy that dynamic in your way.

As my wise friend giving the workshop so eloquently summed all this up:

‘I am begining to wonder if the red herring in all of it is trying to compare D/s and M/s and whether that just muddles the thoughts – where a comparison between power exchange and non power exchange might lead to more interesting analysis??
D/s and M/s are like crunchy versus smooth peanut butter they are much the same and hard to distinguish and yet….some how different to those that are questing for one specifically.’

Amen. I used to be a smooth kinda girl, these days its crunchy. Either way its yummy and I’ll take more please and thank you.



Wednesday 21 October 2009

SLAVE WANTED!!! Looking for submissive males who are into Hard Spanking, for movies! Be a STAR!!!

I am looking for submissive males who are into all aspects of BDSM, for movies I am making in Vienna from the 9th to the 13th of November 2009. The movies will be made by a well known Austrian Fetish Film Production company The males I am looking for must be into Hard Spanking, and willing to be filmed without a mask.
Anyone applying will have to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements, plus a small session fee towards production costs.
Any interested candidates can fill in my Introduction Session Form which will be found in my Contacts page and email it to me.

More details on my website

Laundry List - Role Playing

Laundry List: A list of sexual acts or scenes that are common in a given community (in this case BDSM) and which are often fired off rapid fire on online hook up chat sessions.

That’s my definition anyways. So, for all you guys out there (as I’ve not yet received a laundry list from a lady) I’ll start answering some of your laundry list questions here.

I’m a big fan of the role play. There are a few reasons for this. The most superficial of which is that it gives me an excuse to dress up – which I like. Going a bit deeper I know that I’m not a natural sub (have I said that a few hundred times yet?), so putting together a role play scenario gives me an easy entry point into the mind set.

Some of my favourite role plays include the classic “naughty school girl” and the “l’il angel” both of which I have played before and would have a lot of fun doing again.

One that I have never done, but find a to be a big turn on is either Tarts and Vicars or Nun & Priest. Yes, I have a catholic background. No, I’m obviously not a particularly good catholic.

There is nothing sexier in my book than a man in a well tailored suit. Need a secretary? I take dictation… and more!

Friday 16 October 2009

Make Me

A month and a half into this search some ideas are starting to crystallize around what I am, and am not looking for.

BDSM comes in all different varieties, which is great, but some appeal more than others. To date I have found what I think I can reduce to three types of domination and submission, each form is more complex than I will make it here – as the purpose is to simplify – and has potential for a large amount of variety.

What I hope you can take away from this is where my mind is currently at regarding BDSM play, what I am looking for and if you think you would enjoy having me as your sub given the direction I am heading at the moment.

One quick note: I am only a month into this search, my ideas are still forming and can likely be changed, so if you think that I have ill-considered a given direction please feel free to direct me, and challenge me in new ways.


Sensual: This form is the softest of the D/s forms that I have found. Requests from Dom/mes that describe themselves as sensual Dom/mes tend to be around silk stockings, lingerie, baby-girl or dolly dress up, specific hygiene (i.e. completely shaved, specific scents). This Dom/me is caring, they want to gently lead a sub to mutual pleasure. Play if full of tickling and caresses. Domination is subtle, quiet and creates a dynamic of teacher to student.
Servitude: This form of D/s focuses on incorporating both non-sexual and sexual acts of submission into play. It is focused around choice and obedience. Play can easily be extended beyond the bedroom by requiring the sub to perform mundane tasks (dishes, journal writing, specific clothing or underclothing choices). In the sexual realm it trends towards a Dom/me who enjoys giving specific directions, and wants to participate in specific acts (i.e. cum slut, anal).

Ur-Dom: This is the most violent form of D/s and assumes that the sub is playing from an unwilling standpoint. Dom/mes in this area often enjoy sadistic acts and extreme forms of play.


Pro: This form is ideal for teaching, it is gentle and limits are most easily respected. Most of the Dom/mes I have talked with who describe themselves this way are intelligent, kind and considerate. They are easy to talk to and confess to. It is easy to meet their play requirements and provides a significant amount of discretion and safety. I also enjoy that most male Dom/mes in this category tend to be older. I like playing with age dynamics.

Con: This is not the kind of play that really turns me on. If we are thinking about fantasies and what ‘gets me wet’, being slowly caressed, tickled or wearing lingerie is all nice, and soft and safe but does not really excite me.
Pro: Allowing play to continue between play visits is a big turn on for me. As you may have noticed, finding a Dom/me who can engage me when we are not physically engaged is high on my priority list (see challenges).

Con: I find the Dom/mes I have talked to in this area seem to fixate on specific acts and tasks. While I like the idea of extending play beyond the bedroom I need variety and routines bore me. For example, I would enjoy doing acts of housework as part of a play scenario, but becoming someone’s unpaid housekeeper does not interest me. Likewise these Dom/mes seem fixated on specific sexual acts like wearing devices, going without under garments, performing oral in a set way, or constantly being clean shaven. While I’m happy to do most of these now and then this needs to be play for me not a lifestyle choice.

Pro: The forced scenarios / scenes are the fantasies that excite me the most. Incorporating physical submission in addition to mental and emotional submission hits all of my ‘go’ buttons.

Con: I’m not a pain slut. I don’t get off on pain and I’m rarely willing to go even a fraction of the way that most Dom/mes in this area seem to want to go. I also need the discretion of being careful not to leave obvious marks (see vanilla life). Finally I find these Dom/mes are so focused on the physical side of pushing, shoving, hitting, binding, flogging, clamping, needling, cutting, etc… that they completely abandon the mental and emotional sides of Domination.


At the moment my ideal Dom/me would have the aggressive play style of the Ur-Dom ready to force me to my knees and give me an unmerciful fucking with the least excuse.

They would have the creativity of the Servitude Dom and use choice in tasks as a motivational factor to allow me to choose to comply (or not to) thus bringing pain & punishment or pleasure & mercy down on myself.

Finally they would have the teaching attitude of the Sensual Dom knowing that sometimes a carrot works better than a stick, but not always.

Kinky is NOT a Diagnosis!

Action Alert from National Coalition for Sexual Freedom

Kinky is NOT a Diagnosis!

Help make history by signing the DSM Revision Petition now! The diagnoses in the DSM-IV-TR still subject people who practice BDSM, fetishes and cross-dressing to bias, discrimination and social sanctions without any scientific basis.

We need 3,000 signatures, but we only have 2,200 now. If you don’t speak up and call on the American Psychiatric Association to adhere to empirical research when revising the diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), then the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Work Group won’t make a meaningful change.

To sign, go to:

You can make your signature anonymous on this secure petition site so it doesn’t appear on the Internet or when the petition is delivered to the APA.


"We, the undersigned, support the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) own goal of making

its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) a scientific document, based on empirical research and devoid of cultural bias. A diagnosis of a mental disorder can have a severe adverse impact on employment opportunities, child custody determinations, an individual’s well-being, and other areas of functioning. Therefore we urge the APA to remove all diagnoses that are not based upon peer-reviewed, empirical research, demonstrating distress or dysfunction, from the DSM. The APA specifically should not promote current social norms or values as a basis for clinical judgments.”

To find out more about the DSM and the Paraphilias section, read the NCSF & ITCR: The Foundation for NCSF’s “White Paper on the DSM Revision” at

For more information, email:

Help spread the word – please distribute this call for signatures!

October 15, 2009


National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (NCSF)

The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the United States that advances the equal rights of consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual and relationship expression. NCSF advances

the rights and advocates for consenting adults in the SM-Leather-Fetish, swing, and polyamory communities. We pursue our vision through direct services, education, advocacy, and outreach in conjunction with our partner organizations to directly benefit these communities.

National Coalition for Sexual Freedom (917) 848-6544

Wednesday 14 October 2009


Although this is written on a mobile device I’ve just felt the need to share what is happening in this moment. My fucktoy is lying next to me in bed, tapping away on the computer and working on a written task I’ve given him. In due time I will post the link to his work here. He is doing very well.

As I read some schoolwork and he types away, this could become quite dull. But since he might need a reminder of what he is and who he belongs to, I decided to give him an reminder as well as making our Wednesday evening a bit more interesting.

So he had to drop his pants, bend over and feeling my lubewet, latexclad fingers search their way into his ass, while he slowly wanked himself. Just a year ago or so I was not that into ass play but now fingerfucking asses is something I have started to love. Feeling the muscle, the warmth, the intimacy. Slowly fingerfucking while he is stroking his cock. Smelling the latexgloves.

So yeah, I am horny while writing this. The warm-up of his ass was to prepare for the plug. The heavy, smooth stainless steel plug. Oh, how it fits perfectly into his ass! He always twitch at bit in the moment it enters, moans, and yeah, it makes it even hotter.
I told him to pull up the trousers and to continue writing. But when I lay down on the bed resting on my belly uI realised that my feet were in the perfect position. So I had to give him a bit of a kick. Not too much though, he is still supposed to work. But enough that it made him squeal when his nuts and cock was kicked. And now he is writing again. Good boy. I will fuck your face later until your eyes will water.

I’m going back to my studies now, and he is writing away, plugged, prepared. Mine.

Friday 9 October 2009

Sexual Entity

This is a story written by one of my former subs, miss mel. This is part one. If you want to read part two, you’ll have to come back and visit again.


I sit behind darkness, listening.

Mistress moves about, preparing for her guest.  My blindfold keeps me from seeing her but my eyes follow her, nevertheless.  The sounds of leather against leather and leather against flesh help me keep track of her.  Her scent leads me to her when she does not move.

She passes me and her fingertips trail over my clipped nipples.  I gasp and arch my back.  Juice dribbles from my cunt, the vibrating plug embedded in it keeping it wet and ready for the use it will soon receive.

Mistress likes her holes sopping.  She likes spit dripping from cock-plugged mouths, juice running from pussies and lube oozing from asses.  She likes the wet sound of sucking and fucking, the gurgled moans from mouths filled with flesh, and the slick look of bodies covered with sweat.  Mistress likes passion and she likes the fluid evidence which passion leaves behind.

I moan from the thought of it and my body twists against my restraints.  A stretch in my cunt makes me bite my lip.  An orgasm begins.  I try to stop it; the guest will arrive soon and Mistress wants me still.  She has posed me exactly how she wants me and I must not disturb that.

She dressed me in black today–a fishnet body stocking with the crotch cut open.  My breasts are on display–squeezed outward by pink tape wrapped above and beneath them.  My nipples are clamped and a chain connects them.  My shoes are pink with high, sharp heels.  My lips are red and my blindfold black.

Mistress has me on a bench in direct view of the doorway.  My wrists are bound and chained to leather straps hanging from the ceiling.  My legs are spread wide with my ankles secured to the bench.  My pussy is open and available for Mistress’s use.  I will be the second thing Mistress’s guest will see when he enters her domain.  The first thing, as always, will be Mistress herself.  Beautiful and commanding.  Seductive and mesmerizing.

The doorbell rings and my Pavlovian pussy salivates.  Feeding time is about to begin.

Mistress bends to me.  I smell her hair.  It is near my lips.  My body sways towards her.  I inhale and fight the urge to kiss her.  Her finger presses against my clit and wipes along my pussy lips.  I moan.  She holds her wet finger under my nose.

“Your cunt is dripping, mel.”

My body jerks.  Her voice penetrates me like a cock.  Cunt, hole, property are all words she uses to fuck me with.  Her voice is like velvet but the words are spoken with a hint of disgust.  Mistress knows what excites me.  Mistress knows how I like to be used.

She stands and I hear her smile.  I don’t know how, but I can hear Mistress’s moods.

When she takes my sight from me, my other senses become amplified.  Every touch is electric, every sound an explosion, every scent and taste a discovery.  From behind my blindfold, Mistress becomes my universe.

She opens the door and invites her guest in.  She orders him to undress.  I know he is in the entry way.  Mistress has probably allowed him a glimpse of me–helpless and exposed and dripping with arousal.  She assists him as he removes his clothing.  She controls him with her voice.

The sounds of undressing stop.  I picture a faceless man, naked, his hands held awkwardly in front of him, his head bowed.  There is no other way to stand before Mistress.  She does not order it; it simply happens–a reflexive response for a submissive standing before one who is truly more dominant.

“Denny, say hello to mel.”

“Hello, mel.”

I try to respond but the stretch in my pussy has reached my nipples and I catch my breath instead.  I twist to the right and bite my lip.

“mel’s holes are here for my use, Denny, just as you are here for my use.  You will put your cock wherever I tell you to . . . in her mouth, in her cunt, in her ass.  Is that understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Stand over here.”

I hear Denny’s movements, but I can feel Mistress’s.  She is beside me now.  My head inclines her way.  My legs open wider in anticipation and a bubble of pussy juice pops between my swollen lips.

Mistress lowers my arms from above but she leaves them in their restraints.  She orders me to kneel.

I slide off the bench and kneel for my Mistress.

“On your haunches and open your mouth.”

I obey.

“Come here, slave, and feed this hole.”

A cock slides into my mouth.  The rubber taste tells me Mistress is protecting me.  Mistress always protects me.  My pussy stretches again and I whimper around the flesh filling my throat.

Mistress’s hand touches my cheek.  “Good girl, mel.  See how an obedient little slut behaves, Denny?”

I whimper and moan and press my cheek against Mistress’s hand.  Mistress has many slaves but I am her favorite.  I am her pet.

I suck harder to please Mistress.  Denny feels the pleasure but it is for Mistress that I suck.  Denny moans, telling Mistress that I am performing well.  I scoot forward on my knees to swallow Denny further, excited by his sounds.  I must please Mistress.  To please Mistress is why I exist in this darkness behind my blindfold.

Mistress circles her slaves.  Her velvet voice tells us of the use which awaits us.  We are her toys.  We are for her amusement.  Her words fuck me while I suck.  Spankings, floggings and pluggings are promises that pound my holes.  I twist and jerk and call Mistress’s name as I orgasm from the verbal fucking.

Mistress pulls Denny from me.  “Let go of your pacifier, mel.”

I hear her lead Denny to the table.  The zip of bindings being adjusted tells me that my fellow toy is being bound.

Mistress returns to me.  Her thigh presses against my face as she frees my wrists.  Her flesh is so soft I can not keep from kissing it.  I hum with contentment as I rub my face across the tiny wet spot I have left behind.  I must not leave a mark on Mistress but secretly I hope my scent remains.  I want the others to smell me on her.  I want the others to know my status as Mistress’s chosen pet.

End of Part 1


“Come in,” she calls within seconds of his knock.

He pushes open the door and freezes, stunned; she’s waiting just inside, naked but for black panties and an angel’s face.

“Like?” she asks coquettishly.


She leads him to the couch, binds his wrists with his tie and then straddles his lap. She rips open his shirt, her keen teeth making his nipples rise, making his flesh sting. She presses herself against his hardness.

“We shouldn’t,” he gasps. “I’m your boss.”

She unzips him fluently, grasps his cock wantonly. “That’s why you’re here, Sir. That’s why I’m so fucking wet.”

Wednesday 7 October 2009

Check Out My Lower Prices Phonesex

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Monday 5 October 2009

in ginocchio

lo sentivo da un pò, conosciuto su (…) ed è venuto a Roma per lavoro qualche giorno fa… ci siamo incontrati nella hall dell’hotel dove alloggiava. mi ha offerto da bere e abbiamo iniziato a parlare. un switch… ma con me sarebbe stato dominante… solo dominante. un bel tipo, poco più grande di me, affascinante e molto sicuro di sè. dopo un pò siamo saliti in camera e appena entrati mi ha ordinato di spogliarmi completamente nuda. mi ha tenuta in piedi per una mezz’ora, mi osservava e mi faceva un sacco di domande, alcune molto intime… talvolta mi girava intorno e io smettevo di parlare così mi sollecitava a farlo… e la mia voce era sempre più sottile e ansimante.. poi ha sorriso e mi ha ordinato di inginocchiarmi, davanti ad un tavolinetto… ha preso un foglio e una penna e me li ha messi davanti. mi ha ordinato di restare in ginocchio, con le cosce ben divarivate. e mi ha chiesto cos’ero… non sapevo cosa rispondere… gli ho detto “sono la tua schiava” ma lui mi ha detto che avevo sbagliato risposta… così gli ho detto “sono la tua troia”… e mi ha accarezzato la testa, dall’alto… e mi ha ordinato di scrivere sul foglio “sono una troia” e di dirlo ad alta voce ogni volta, contando… da 1 a 50. ed ho iniziato a scriverlo e ogni volta contavo e lo dicevo ad alta voce… arrivata a 20 ero eccitatissima, mi sentivo completamente bagnata e se avesse voluto avrebbe potuto farmi di tutto… davvero di tutto… continuavo a scrivere e a dire “sono una troia”… fino alla fine, fino a 50. non so quanto tempo sia trascorso… più andavo avanti più rallentavo. e arrivata a 40 gli ho detto, più per eccitazione che altro… “se dovesse entrare qualcuno e vedermi così…” e lui mi ha risposto “e allora? lo sanno tutti che sei una troia”, “lo sanno… hai la tipica faccia da troia” così ha detto… e io ho risposto che era vero, lo sanno tutti che sono una troia… tutti. poi quando ho finito mi ha chiesto una cosa che mi ha eccitato da morire “dove hai imparato a contare, al canile o al bordello dove lavoravi?”. io non sapevo cosa dire, non sapevo se rispondere… ed esitavo, immaginando entrambe le scene. mi immaginavo a 4 zampe, con il collare, in un canile… in una gabbia. e mi immaginavo in un bordello… come una puttana. e non sapevo… poi lui ha insistito, mi ha detto di dargli una risposta e così… ho detto quella che sul momento mi sembrava meno umiliante, ho detto “al bordello… ho imparato a contare al bordello”… e non aspettavo altro che le sue mani addosso… ma non mi sfiorava… io lo guardavo ansimando… stavo quasi per avere un orgasmo senza essere nemmeno sfiorata… finchè lui non si è seduto sulla poltrona e mi ha detto “adesso toccati, toccati come si deve…”… e sempre in ginocchio ho iniziato a masturbarmi… credo nemmeno per 1 minuto… ero così bagnata che le mie dita scivolavano da tutte le parti… neanche 1 minuto prima di venire… speravo in altro… ma lui mi ha ordinato di alzarmi e rivestirmi… e mi ha detto che potevo andare… così… senza darmi altro.

Vera Vision—Nipple Control, Pt. 2

Zoe wondered how many times she was going to have to go to the bathroom to change her panties. She had already made two trips and it was barely 11 AM.

Her Master was the expert at controlling her mind as well as her body. He knew she wasn’t going to disappoint Him. He knew she would do whatever it took to make Him happy, always putting her needs second. He also knew how to push her buttons without even trying. Maybe that’s what made their relationship work as well as it did. He gave direction; she willingly followed everything to a tee. But what He was pulling right now? Zoe wanted to slap the fuck out of Him.

Every time she moved, the fabric of her t-shirt brushed against the clamps, tickling her nipples. He had to have known the effect the nipple clamps were going to have on her body. There was no way He would’ve made such a request, otherwise. He knew something as small as nipple clamps probably didn’t look like a big deal at first. Put the clamps on and Zoe would go on about her merry way. But He knew something about Zoe that she didn’t know about herself—how to get her off without being anywhere near her. There was a reason why He was her Master.

Meanwhile, Zoe tried to distract herself from the tingling sensation her nipples were causing between her legs. Her body was burning like a California brush fire with no end in sight. She tried to concentrate on cleaning the apartment but it was no use. She found herself scraping against something just so she could feel the thrilling pleasure the clamps gave her. She thought about the reward her Master was going to give her to keep her mind focused. She needed to please Him.

Hours and several pairs of panties later, Zoe found herself patiently waiting for her Master to arrive home. She was in the living room reading a book when she heard the door opening. He was home. She breathed a sigh of relief. He was home and her reward would be soon. But she couldn’t relax quite yet. She still had to prove she was a good girl for him. Her Master walked over and stood in front of her. She immediately put her book down and locked eyes with Him. As protocol, she didn’t speak until He instructed. After several minutes of staring at each other, her Master finally spoke.

“Lift up your shirt,” He instructed.

Zoe grabbed her wife-beater with both hands and pulled it over her head. Her nipples were nice and hard. Her breasts, perky. Her Master was very pleased.

“Stand up,” He instructed again.

Zoe stood up and stood in front her Master, waiting for His next command. He then took the tiny chain that held the clamps together and tugged on it. Immediately, the clamps tighten on Zoe’s nipples. Zoe, however, did not react. The pleasure was immense but she didn’t know if she was allowed to express emotion so she waited. Again, the Master tugged on her clamps and the pleasure was more incredible than before. A small moan escaped Zoe’s lips. She tried hard to keep her emotions under control but it was useless. Every tug her Master gave her made the pressure on the nipples more pleasurable.

“Look into my eyes and don’t stop,” her Master ordered.

Zoe concentrated on her Master’s eyes, waiting for His next command. He moved a hand down to her wet clit and began to play with it. His free hand tugged on the nipple clamps more. It was torture for Zoe. She wanted to close her eyes and enjoy what He was doing to her but couldn’t break the explicit direction He gave her. Her lips trembled, her legs shook, and her body began to slowly convulse. She didn’t want the pleasure to end but she didn’t know how much longer she could bear it. Just making me cum already, please!

He must’ve read her thoughts. Zoe’s Master fingered her clit faster and she cried out in ecstasy. Her orgasm took over her body, making Zoe lose all coherent thoughts. She mumbled over and over, thanking God and speaking in tongues. Her legs gave out from underneath and her Master caught her just in time. He then picked her up and carried her to bed. He laid her down and watched her come down from her orgasmic high. Zoe then opened her eyes and looked over to her Master, who was smiling at her.

“I told you your reward was going to be a great one,” He whispered.

*Above product can be found on*

Friday 2 October 2009

Slaves to the Gods?

This is a post I made in June and never finished

Lately I’ve been noticing a small but growing number of people calling themselves “godslaves”. These individuals are generally of a mystic bent, Norse or Hellenic, and have a strong devotion to a particular deity, to the point where they see themselves as being “owned” by the divinity. There is often a connection or crossover with kinky Master/slave relationships.  I have not so far seen this type of language used among Celtic polytheists, though it may be out there.

While we make think of slavery as being a thing of the past, it still exists in the form of human trafficking, especially of a sexual nature. Out of respect for this I really think the terms master and slave should be avoided. Now, from what I understand it does not necessarily mean the god has total power over the human. But it still seems a degradation of  human dignity and spirit to choose the name “slave” for oneself. Isn’t “servant” good enough?

I wonder about the social/psychological forces behind this trend. I know many Pagans seek out intense, ecstatic experiences and sometimes a loss of control is a part of that.  Also I wonder what the ethnic background of these “godslaves” is- I bet pretty much all white. I have a hard time believing African-Americans would think it was cool to call themselves “slaves”. It just seems to me like there’s a lot of privilege behind that, and I challenge people to really think about the implications of this practice.

More information on real slavery:

Campaign to Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking

FBI Page

Thursday 1 October 2009


Jeg vil ha deg

Dypt inn i fitta mi

Hardt og bestemt
Slik at det føles


Jeg vil komme
Mens du tar meg

Igjen og igjen

Jeg vil rope

Jeg vil føle meg

Til du tar meg

Og jeg igjen
Kjenner behovet

For å begjæres