Monday 15 March 2010

Monday Music Muse: Lady Gaga and Beyonce - TELEPHONE


Talk about same-sex innuendo.

If you haven’t seen it already, Lady Gaga and B’s new vid Telephone is TOO many things. Chock full of lesbian/gender-bending images, the whole women’s prison context, Goth/BDSM hints, freaky fierce fashion, the femme-fatale enigma, gang signs, some MJ moves, product placement, autotune, some Thelma & Louise energy, a pussy wagon – it goes on. In fact, it is SO many things – a lot of it I can’t figure out.  But honestly, if Gaga has a jones for HONEY B, she doesn’t hide it. Shoot….what red blooded female wouldn’t look at Beyonce with the sexy side-eye?  Even the straightest straight girl.  Love her or hate her, Beyonce is definitely girl crush material and Lady Gaga makes her point here.  Beyonce looks positively edible as always  (when she rocks that black lipstick, yo.).  At least i think she does.  And if this is all for show to boost their relevance – I vote YES, it’s working!


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