Wednesday 17 March 2010

Life Changes..

Prompt: I want you to write a post listing the things you are actively doing to try and make the best of your time in TX.

This is my first writing assignment in months. While I cannot stand the writing prompt, I will make a sincere attempt to have this be as honest and introspective as I possibly can.

For the last two months, I have experienced a heightened level of depression and anxiety that didn’t start until we moved to Texas.

The depression has been the worse it has been since high school. I’ve been frightened and worried about my mental health for weeks.

Now that Master & I are settled into O/our apartment, the depression is slowly ebbing away, with the anxiety reluctantly following.

The main issue I have with this prompt is not the fact that these types of writing prompts, but the fact that due to the shift I must work, it makes it extremely difficult for me to do anything I want to do.

So, I will make my list. But unless my schedule changes to something that would benefit my life better (like Monday-Friday 2am-11am for example), I’m stuck.

I’ve looked for concerts that would interest me. As my primary nonhuman love is music, and I love going to concerts, this one is a no brainer. Knowing I will have to work tomorrow night while Muse, one of my favorite bands of all time performs in Houston, just kills me. I guess I’ll just have to wait until Warped Tour at this point. =[

I’ve found 2 wonderful dance studios with talented instructors. I have found prices and schedules for classes. My schedule clashes with the majority of classes that would help me grow as a dancer. Go figure.

I have researched the local BDSM scene in hopes that Master & I could attend a munch. As most munches are on the weekend, and we work on the weekends, it’s damn near impossible to dredge up the energy to meet new people.

Due to feeling discouraged by the above, I have also been discouraged from finding bars similar to the ones I danced at in West Palm. Dive bars with indie/electro nights.

What’s the point when W/we are budgeting O/our money tightly to afford more furniture, as well as move O/our belongings? Can’t very well go out and drink all of O/our money at a bar. That wouldn’t really be responsible, now would it?

*sighs* If I wasn’t so exhausted already, I’d consider obtaining a second job. But that’s another story altogether.


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