Wednesday 10 February 2010

The best control

The best control isn’t about restraints, collars or fancy equipment. It isn’t confined to submission or a specific session. The best control is the kind that you can’t help, that you remember consenting to and now there isn’t an easy path back. Mind play is one of a number of things that Mummy introduced babykat to herself, and in that way it will always be special to us, something that babykat associates with Mummy, where she will always be the one with that hold on her.

Mummy’s voice really is perfect. It’s like that kind of candy you can’t get enough of, that you find yourself stealing a few minutes for yourself to get back to. Whether it’s on the phone, or an mp3, Mummy’s voice has a huge effect on babykat. Maybe it’s her accent that’s so attractive, or maybe that  it’s filled with emotion and a completely sweet sounding voice. It is like candy, babykat’s favourite candy. Maybe it’s the way that she’s just so nice! There’s a deeper love than just the connection babykat feels hearing Mummy, though. Something that’s most likely incomprehensible to many of those beyond the mind play scene. The hypnosis element of our relationship means that babykat has a desire for Mummy’s voice in her ear. It’s her weakness. It’s the voice that could tell her to puncture her skin with needles, and she would. There really is a switch, buried deep inside babykat’s mind, that flicks over as Mummy speaks up.. babykat focuses, shuts off distractions and mundane thoughts, feels that for those moments, Mummy is all that matters in her world.

It’s a delicious feeling, it really is. The moment when you close your eyes and feel like you’re falling, except it’s into something better than sleep. To have no other care, to know that Mummy is looking after her babykat and it’s their time together. The flood of emotions that hypnosis brings on is something equally addictive, as much as Mummy’s voice itself. In that, there’s the huge element of connection, love, trust, the feeling that babykat is special to Mummy and wants to do this for her, and how she knows exactly what’s best. (Because, despite everything Mummy does for her babykat, it’s still hard to believe babykat’s so special to her.. not because she doubts it, but purely that she can’t believe she’s so lucky when she doesn’t deserve all this..) It’s not only relaxing, but reassuring. Whether babykat is angry or upset or overexcited, hypnosis and her change in mood afterwards just lets her settle down. The feelings don’t disappear, but she’s calmed enough to let them out. She’s even found herself crying once or twice because it’s just such a relief to be taken any from any troubles and to forget about why she felt down. Mummy’s hypnosis has become desirable as an escape from day-to-day stresses, as well as the need to feel a deeper connection with Mummy.

When Mummy sent babykat her first hypnosis mp3, she never thought she’d really get into it. Babykat had done some research about erotic hypnosis and had become interested but not really fully convinced. The thought stuck in her mind, ‘it would never work on me, I’ll try but it won’t work’, as clips from the internet seemed impersonal and ineffective. Batlings was different. The main difference being that she made it for babykat. Yes, she’s sent babykat a couple of others that she’s done for public sale rather than for babykat privately, and now that babykat has fallen deeper under her spell those have almost as much of an effect. Inside, though, she’ll always reach for the unique ones.. the ones where Mummy was thinking of babykat as she spoke. For babykat’s first few times, this was particularly important. It made her less scared. It reminded her why she wanted to begin this journey and how both Mummy and herself were both glad she had. Although babykat didn’t know what was coming, she knew that whatever train of thought Mummy had decided was best for her, it was for her only. It was reassuring because Mummy would be particularly careful and slow with her, and even from the first few words, being given time to get used to the sound of Mummy’s voice, meant that babykat felt more at ease. She had taken this step and was anxious that it became a part of her relationship with Mummy, because she knows how much it means to her, having someone share her passion. Babykat never thought it would be her own passion, however, she thought it would become a duty, just another task.

But Mummy’s created an addiction.

Mummy’s mp3 is having a particular effect on her at the moment, she listens three times during the day usually. Since the first few days getting used to Mummy’s voice, it’s not something babykat has to prepare herself for anymore. She used to feel the need to get in the right mindset, to relax and have a little think about Batling before she began to listen. But now it’s just become a part of her everyday routine, she has the file on her iPod and looks forward to those times when she can take time out and fall under Mummy’s control. It’s gradually becoming a more and more desirable five minutes to listen to, some days babykat ends up finding excuses to turn it on and more recently, has taken to listening to it while she masturbates. It’s such a turn on to have Batling’s voice in her ear as she reaches climax, or before she falls asleep. It’s funny, the way babykat’s mind has worked. The initial doubt in this aspect of their relationship has developed into a craving for the mp3s, a feeling of frustration and not being complete without them. Her mind has opened so readily to Batling’s voice, and it’s her that heart skips a beat when she receives a new file. After one listen, the topic of the session is firmly set in her mind. After a fortnight of regular listening, it’s become fact, a rule, a restriction. Mummy’s voice is stronger than any chastity belt she could lock to babykat.

Opening that first mp3 took a lot from babykat. To want hypnosis to be a significant element in your relationship takes a lot of dedication, and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Being eager for it initially didn’t lessen the length of time babykat spend thinking about a life with hypnosis before she took the first step, because as a beginner it’s a very daunting, if not scary prospect. To have somebody be able to tap into your mind, to give them that core part of you requires so much trust, so much understanding. It’s not as easy as a scene is to stop. While safe words are effective with physical play, with mind play the logistics are different. To an onlooker, pressing ’stop’ on an iPod or giving a safe word over the phone may seem the obvious option, but under trance it’s different. Having been listening to Mummy’s mp3s for a couple of months now means that babykat feels she can give a valid description of the way it feels to be, almost out of control.

To begin with, it was difficult to relax and lose herself in Mummy’s voice, but now she feels that she falls deeper than ever with each step Mummy has her take into trance. It’s not how she thought it would be. Babykat is never completely unaware of her actions, her surroundings. She knows where she is and that she’s listening to Mummy (something that’s beginning to sound as if Mummy’s really there), and she still feels herself.. well, that’s the thing. She was about to say ’she still feels herself lifting her arms to rub each letter one by one from the chalkboard, falling deeper into trance’. But of course, babykat doesn’t actually move her arms, and that’s what makes hypnosis so powerful. It’s the inability to distinguish between reality and the description within the audio. The way an image within the audio described is so vivid that it’s beyond being told, and it’s as if it’s being inscribed into babykat’s mind. The connection made is that which makes hypnosis so exciting. You never know what’s coming. There’s no preparation needed, or anxst beforehand because you can see what’s about to restrain you. It’s all in your own mind, but in a way in which you have no control over. It’s amazing and terrifying at the same time. Babykat is sure that there are people out there who could pull themselves out of a trance, most likely hypnotists themselves, but she certainly isn’t one of them. It’s like packing all your schoolwork away into a box and focusing on your favourite book. Like taking a plane without knowing its destination, and telling no-one where you are. Part of the attraction is that hypnosis is so intimate. It’s just Mummy and babykat, holding a connection that’s uninterruptable for those special minutes.

So now you can see why a safeword is worthless? The direct connection that babykat’s mind makes, turning the description under trance into a belief of reality means that the thought that a safeword exists isn’t even there. Mummy’s talking to her and she shouldn’t need to interrupt. It’s a lesson, imposing advice or help or even strong boundaries. You wouldn’t just ask a lesson to end. It is this lack of desire which forms the initial resistance. Beyond that there are two ‘feelings’ that are just about describable. Firstly, the attention side of it. There’s no part of babykat that is focused on the idea of a safe word, or any word or action beyond the audio. It’s not about willpower, because she’s totally under Mummy’s control when she’s in trance, and that’s the only feed into her mind. Mummy can alter her desires and shift her attention. Really. Secondly, the actual inability to move. It isn’t numbness or a feeling that your limbs aren’t there. Babykat knows they are, in fact she’s even more aware of every sensation in her body a lot of the time. Instead, the feeling is such that from your eyes downwards your whole body is heavy, muscles are so relaxed that the limbs are simply immobilized. No about of willpower can change that either. Babykat couldn’t move her fingers if she wanted to and besides, she never wants to. There won’t be a safe word. It’s as simple as that.

The lack of a safeword during a session has such a powerful effect on babykat’s mind. She knows she can’t pull herself out, that it’s Mummy in control. But it also means that the vital communication element of BDSM is altered. It has to be before the session, all of it. Without this communication, hypnosis poses risks. You wouldn’t start a scene without a safe word, after all. As much love and trust as you can have for someone, and however much the idea of hypnosis arouses you (it does for babykat, at least!) you need to know what’s planned. It’s your mind they’ll be playing with, and that’s not something to be taken lightly. Communication is a fundemental part of babykat’s relationship with Batling, and without it, it wouldn’t be as strong as it is. Babykat trusts her, but still asks to know the aim of the audio. Batling plays with babykat, but babykat isn’t her plaything. She’s a real person with real feelings and a mind that’s just as fragile as Mummy’s own.

It makes her love Mummy even more because she is able to to put her whole trust in her, hand over little pieces of her mind for Mummy to explore. Hypnosis is perfect for her relationship with Batling. She was scared to try at first, but she’s so glad she did. And babykat adores the pleasure Mummy gets from hypnosis with her, because beyond everything else, babykat wants Mummy happy. Babykat is slowly developing and knows that Batling will be with her every step. Babykat knows she doesn’t have to hold back.


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