Friday 4 December 2009


I came across Pleasure Chemical whilst reading up on ‘limerence’ and ‘love addiction’ on the internet. People get addicted to things (drugs, sex, alcohol, love, etc) because their consumption (or consummation) releases pleasure chemicals in their system. Dopamine, vasopressin, oxytocin, serotonin, endogenous opioids – all of which induces what we experience as pleasure.

Maybe I’m looking into BDSM as yet another source I can tap into whenever I need an extra boost of pleasure chemicals in my system. God knows I do. Oh yes, I do believe in God and religion. but I’m not yet decided whether or not God really frowns on me for wanting to explore BDSM or if it is in fact irrelevant to Him/Her/It. I don’t think it matters, as long as I’m not hurting anyone else. And as for hurting myself, well, I think I’ve gone way past it for it to make much difference in my life.

It’s a slow process this exploration, but I’m in no hurry. And I hope my husband will not freak out when he finds out.


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